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Search of Novel Crystalline Materials, Study of their Properties and Crystallization Processes



VORONKOVA, Valentina Ivanovna
Leading Research Associate (MSU)
Born in 1936 in Bychov, Belorussia
Graduated from the Moscow State University, 1960
PhD, Moscow State University, 1970
Doctor of Sciences, Moscow State University, 1995
Professor, 2008
Phone: 7(495)939-2883
Fax: 7(495)939-2988

Type of Research: experiment
Research Interests:
Crystal growth from high-temperature solutions. Study of multi-components system phase diagrams. Relationship between crystal structure, growth mechanisms and physical properties. Search for new perspective crystals for non-linear optics and other fields of modern physics. Synthesis and study of high-temperature superconductors.


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RASHKOVICH, Leonid Nikolaevich
Full Professor
Born in 1931 in Leningrad, Russia
Graduated from the Moscow Institute of Chemical Technology, 1954
PhD, Moscow Institute of Chemical Technology, 1958
Doctor of Sciences, Moscow Institute of Chemical Technology, 1981
Phone: 7(495)939-2981
Fax: 7(495)939-2988

Type of Research: experiment, theory
Research Interests:
Mechanism and kinetics of crystal growth (crystals formed by low-molecular mass compounds, proteins and polymers).

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KHARITONOVA, Elena Petrovna
Senior Research Associate
Born in 1976 in Moscow, Russia
Graduated from the Moscow State University, 1999
PhD, Moscow State University, 2002
Phone: 7(495)939-2883
Fax: 7(495)939-2988

Type of Research: experiment
Research Interests:
Crystal growth from high temperature solutions, phase transitions, search for a new crystals with perspective physical properties, ferroelectric and superionic crystals, composition-structure-properties relationship.

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ОРЛОВА Екатерина Игоревна
Leading engineer
Born in 1984 in Moscow, Russia
Graduated from the Moscow State University, 2007
PhD, Moscow State University, 2010
Тел.: 7(495)939-2883
Факс: 7(495)939-2988

Type of Research: experiment
Research Interests:
Crystal growth from high-temperature solutions, study of multi-components system phase diagrams, relationship between crystal structure, growth mechanisms and physical properties, search for new perspective crystals for non-linear optics and other fields of modern physics

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NAUMOVA, Inessa Ivanovna
Senior Research Associate
Born in 1939 in Moscow, Russia
Graduated from the Moscow State University, 1961
PhD, Moscow State University, 1965
Phone: 7(495)939-1630
Fax: 7(495)939-3113

Type of Research: experiment
Research Interests:
Growth of crystal, physics of ferroelectrics, optical properties of crystals, niobates, regular domain structure.


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